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Power BI Fundamentals Training 3 June – 7th June 2024 (Weekdays)

Welcome to the Power BI Fundamentals Training Guide! Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft, allowing ... Show more
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Welcome to the Power BI Fundamentals Training Guide! Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft, allowing users to create interactive and visually compelling data visualizations, reports, and dashboards. This training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to transform raw data into actionable insights using Power BI. Whether you are new to Power BI or seeking to enhance your existing knowledge, this guide will help you harness the full potential of this tool. Let’s get started!

Module 1: Introduction to Power BI

1.1 Understanding Power BI:

Overview of Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

Key Features and Benefits of Power BI

Power BI Components: Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, Power BI Mobile

1.2 Getting Started with Power BI:

Downloading and Installing Power BI Desktop

Signing up for Power BI Service (Power BI Online)

Navigating the Power BI Interface

Module 2: Data Sources and Data Transformation

2.1 Connecting to Data Sources:

Importing Data from Excel, CSV, SQL Server, and other Sources

Direct Query vs. Import Data Options

Data Source Settings and Parameters

2.2 Data Transformation and Cleaning:

Shaping Data with Power Query Editor

Filtering, Sorting, and Removing Duplicates

Handling Null Values and Errors

2.3 Data Model Relationships:

Understanding Relationships in Power BI

Creating and Managing Relationships

Configuring Cross Filter Direction

Module 3: Data Visualization

3.1 Introduction to Data Visualization:

Choosing the Right Visualization for Your Data

Customizing Visualizations (Colors, Labels, etc.)

Adding Visualizations to Reports and Dashboards

3.2 Creating Charts and Graphs:

Bar and Column Charts

Line Charts

Pie Charts and Donut Charts

3.3 Advanced Visualizations:

Maps and Geographic Visualizations

Treemaps and Sunbursts

Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts

Module 4: Building Reports and Dashboards

4.1 Creating Interactive Reports:

Using Slicers and Filters

Drill-Through and Drill-Down Functionality

Adding Interactivity with Bookmarks

4.2 Designing Effective Dashboards:

Best Practices for Dashboard Design

Layout and Alignment Techniques

KPI Cards and Gauges

4.3 Sharing and Collaboration:

Publishing Reports to Power BI Service

Configuring Data Refresh

Collaborating with Colleagues

Module 5: Power BI Service and Mobile App

5.1 Power BI Service Features:

Working with Shared Datasets and Reports

Creating Dashboards in Power BI Service

Row-Level Security (RLS) Implementation

5.2 Power BI Mobile App:

Accessing Reports and Dashboards on Mobile Devices

Interactivity and Responsive Design


Congratulations on completing the Power BI Fundamentals Training Guide! You are now equipped with the skills to turn raw data into compelling visualizations and reports. Power BI is a versatile tool, and continuous practice and exploration will enhance your capabilities further. Continue to experiment with real-world datasets and learn about advanced features to become a proficient Power BI user. Utilize the power of data to make informed decisions and drive business success with Power BI.

Happy analyzing!



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