Solar Turbine Operations Training 10th – 14th March 2025 (Weekdays)
- Description
- Reviews
The training will cover the following topics
- GeneralPackage Description
- Gas TurbineEngine
- Start System
- Lube Oil System
- Fuel System
- DrivenEquipment(Compressor or Generator)
- Seal System(CompressorPackages Only)
- Control System 9. Display System
- OperatingProcedures 11. Routine Maintenance Theory andPractices
- Package SystemMaintenance Requirements
- EnginePerformanceVerification
- CompressorPerformanceVerification(CompressorPackages Only)
This course is designed for personnel who may have limited experience of operating Solar turbo-machinery packages, but who have a sound general technical background and some industry related experience as a operator, instrument technician, ormechanicaltechnician.
As such, the students should already be able to recognize and understand general technical and industry terms; be able to interpret simple system schematic diagrams; and be proficient in the use of basic instrumentation, electrical, and mechanical tools, and techniques.
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Describe Pre-Start Checks; Start Procedures; Stop Procedures; and Normal Operation, including operational configuration and parameter changes
- Differentiate between common operational-based and maintenance-based abnormal conditions
- Make operational parameter changes in response to abnormal operationalbased conditions or alarms/shutdowns
- Take appropriate first response action and accurately communicate relevant data to investigative personnel in relation to abnormal maintenance-based conditions
- Plan and execute predictive, preventative, and corrective maintenance in accordance with Solar recommendations
- Perform basic performance verification in support of predictive maintenance activities.
Course Outline
Day 1: Introduction to gas Turbine Engine Session
Gas Turbine Basic Components
- Gas Turbine theory, Newton Law
- Gas Turbine Industry development
- Factors affecting Gas Turbine engine performance
- Gas Turbine components and functions
- Basic Centrifugal Gas Compressor
- Centrifugal gas compressor principle
- Solar Gas Compressor components and design philosophy
- Gas Compressor bearing and seals assembly
- Gas Compressor performance characteristic
Day 2: Gas Turbine Operations and Control System Session
Gas Turbine Start up and Operating procedure
- Start up procedure
- Routine inspection Session
Electrical, Instrument and Control System
- Gas Turbine Electrical Control System
- Gas Turbine Control Philosophy
- Electrical control system components and function
- Speed, temperature topping control system
- Start system sequence
Day 3: Surge Control System
- Surge in centrifugal gas Compressor
- Surge control Instrumentation system components and function
- Basic Gas Turbine Vibration measurement
- Fundamental of machinery vibration
- Vibration measurements and the components
Day 4 & 5: Gas Turbine Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Gas Turbine Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- Engine washed 4. Bore scope inspection 5. Compressor restage