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Solar Turbine Operations Training 5th – 9th January 2026 (Weekdays)

This five-day course will provide a turbo-machinery package operator and maintenance technician with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate ... Show more
HPI Train Hub
1 Student enrolled
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The training will cover the following topics

  1. GeneralPackage Description
  2. Gas TurbineEngine
  3. Start System
  4. Lube Oil System
  5. Fuel System
  6. DrivenEquipment(Compressor or Generator)
  7. Seal System(CompressorPackages Only)
  8. Control System 9. Display System
  9. OperatingProcedures 11. Routine Maintenance Theory andPractices
  10. Package SystemMaintenance Requirements
  11. EnginePerformanceVerification
  12. CompressorPerformanceVerification(CompressorPackages Only)


This course is designed for personnel who may have limited experience of operating Solar turbo-machinery packages, but who have a sound general technical background and some industry related experience as a operator, instrument technician, ormechanicaltechnician.

As such, the students should already be able to recognize and understand general technical and industry terms; be able to interpret simple system schematic diagrams; and be proficient in the use of basic instrumentation, electrical, and mechanical tools, and techniques.

Course Objectives:

On completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Describe Pre-Start Checks; Start Procedures; Stop Procedures; and Normal Operation, including operational configuration and parameter changes
  2. Differentiate between common operational-based and maintenance-based abnormal conditions
  3. Make operational parameter changes in response to abnormal operationalbased conditions or alarms/shutdowns
  4. Take appropriate first response action and accurately communicate relevant data to investigative personnel in relation to abnormal maintenance-based conditions
  5. Plan and execute predictive, preventative, and corrective maintenance in accordance with Solar recommendations
  6. Perform basic performance verification in support of predictive maintenance activities.

Course Outline

Day 1: Introduction to gas Turbine Engine Session

Gas Turbine Basic Components

  • Gas Turbine theory, Newton Law
  • Gas Turbine Industry development
  • Factors affecting Gas Turbine engine performance
  • Gas Turbine components and functions
  • Basic Centrifugal Gas Compressor
  • Centrifugal gas compressor principle
  • Solar Gas Compressor components and design philosophy
  • Gas Compressor bearing and seals assembly
  • Gas Compressor performance characteristic

Day 2: Gas Turbine Operations and Control System Session

Gas Turbine Start up and Operating procedure

  • Start up procedure
  • Routine inspection Session

Electrical, Instrument and Control System

  • Gas Turbine Electrical Control System
  • Gas Turbine Control Philosophy
  • Electrical control system components and function
  • Speed, temperature topping control system
  • Start system sequence

Day 3: Surge Control System

  • Surge in centrifugal gas Compressor
  • Surge control Instrumentation system components and function
  • Basic Gas Turbine Vibration measurement
  • Fundamental of machinery vibration
  • Vibration measurements and the components

Day 4 & 5: Gas Turbine Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Gas Turbine Maintenance
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Engine washed 4. Bore scope inspection 5. Compressor restage
1 review
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Stars 1
Course details
Duration 10 hours
Video 9 hours
Level Advanced

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